The Story of Ixalan

Wizards finally released the Magic Story Podcast that sets up the story of Ixalan.

A (Commander) Planeswalker’s Guide to Ixalan’s Warring Factions

Learn more about the factions of Ixalan and their predecessors across the multiverse

Two Drafts in Indy

Carrie had two drafts to make the top eight at Grand Prix Indianapolis. One of them went better than the other.

The State of Magic Design in 2017

Head Designer Mark Rosewater released his State of Design for 2017.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Hour of Devastation Draft #2

Sandro walks through an online Hour of Devastation draft as he prepares for Nationals in Stockholm this weekend.

First Glance at Ixalan Design

Ixalan spoiler season has begun with a bang! With six mechanics, Zach evaluates them for complexity creep.

The Story Behind the Massive Ixalan Leaks

An uncut foil sheet featuring most of the rares from Ixalan, Magic’s upcoming fall set, was leaked in June.

How an Uncut Foil Sheet of Ixalan Rares and Mythics Was Leaked

Over the summer, blurry photos of a full uncut sheet of Ixalan Rares and Mythic Rares were leaked to the public. Now learn the story behind the theft!

WESG 2017 Will Add Female Competitors to their Events, Should Wizards do the Same for the Pro Tour?

The big eSports announcement this week is that the WESG 2017 circuit will allow female competitors in their own CS:GO and Hearthstone brackets

New Worlds

Rob meditates on the solar eclipse, historical antecedents, brave worlds old and new, and what that all means for Ixalan.

Judges Aren’t Wizards Employees…For Now

A federal judge dismissed Paul Yale’s lawsuit claiming that Magic judges are Wizards employees yesterday.