Understanding Earwig Squad

Steve Menendian wrote an entire book about Gush. Sandro does Earwig Squad in one article!

Playing Against Tron

Carrie continues her survey of the Modern metagame with some advice on how to play against Tron.

Eternal Weekend Recap

This week Jerry spins us of tales from EW 2017 – the highs, the lows, and the gas station cuisine. 

Eternal Weekend Warrior Eric Vergo Interview

Zac and Nate interview Eric Vergo after his double top 8 in the main events for Eternal Weekend.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Mad Prophecies for Rivals of Ixalan

Beck goes into full Delphic mode with some provocative predictions about the Rivals of Ixalan storyline.

Breachin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo

Will this be the week that Shawn goes Through the Breach to a 5-0 finish? Watch to find out.

To Ur is Human

Ryan built a special wedding gift The Ur-Dragon Commander deck for his longtime friend, starting from the Draconic Domination preconstructed deck.

MTG Arena Beta Starts 11/3

Wizards announced today that the MTG Arena Beta will start on November 3rd, 2017.

Ixalan Story Tidbits, Plus Team Face to Face Games

Wizards gives us some story tidbits to tide us over until Rivals of Ixalan.

Drafting Ixalan Archetypes

Carrie breaks down the Ixalan two-color archetypes by tier, and explains how that should influence your early draft picks.

Jadine Klomparens Shares Stories From The Pro Tour

Sam interviews Jadine Klomparens, pro player, tournament grinder, and writer for Star City Games.