Christine Sprankle Leaves Magic Due to Targeted Harassment and Abuse

News broke last Friday that popular cosplayer Christine Sprankle was leaving Magic.

Grand Prix Lyon and Locking Down Invitations to the Pro Tour

We catch up on all the action from Grand Prix Lyon and check in on the members of the Pro Tour Team Series heading into Magic World Cup weekend

Rich vs. GP Portland

Rich discusses GP Portland and looks ahead to GP Lyon and the World Magic Cup.

Bryant Cook Returns

Jerry and Patrick talk the latest Legacy results with Bryant Cook.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

To Affinity and Beyond

Carrie came up short in the online RPTQ with Affinity.

Urza, the Realest Planeswalker

Beck rhapsodizes over the amazing new Urza planeswalker card from Unstable.

Examining Un

Ryan reflects on the history of un-cards in Magic and Commander.

Hand Nonsense, Good and Bad

Carrie compares two weird hand cards from Unstable.

The MTG Arena Closed Beta Starts December 4th

Wizards of the Coast announced that the MTG Arena Closed Beta will officially begin on Monday, 12/4.

Modern Eldrazi Tron

Sandro piloted Eldrazi Tron to the top eight of a local Modern tournament.