Rich vs. Harassment, GP Lyon, and the World Magic Cup

Rich discusses harassment in the Magic community, recaps Grand Prix Lyon, and preview the World Magic Cup.

Cages of the Pretender

Ryan goes deep on cage counters in this fun Mairsil, the Pretender list.

Wizards Responds to Bullying and Harassment in the Magic Community

Wizards finally released a statement about bullying and harassment in the Magic community.

Sources: Social Justice Wizards to Ban All Trolls from Modern Ahead of Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan

In a shocking move, SJWs announced that Trolls are no longer welcome in Modern Magic.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Money for Nothing

Carrie talks about how bad people make money off their hatred, and what we can do about it.

Un-Inspired Designs

Levi looks at how mechanics from Unstable made their way into recent black-bordered cards.

Rivals of Ixalan’s Geocaching Game Will Impact How Ixalan’s Story Ends

Rivals of Ixalan will feature a geocaching game like Ixalan.

Jay Schneider of Red Deck Wins and The Mana Curve

Jay Schneider created the concept of the Mana Curve and made the first burn deck, “Paul Sligh Red”.

Vintage BUG Suvival

Aaron tries to make Survival of the Fittest work in Vintage.

Please Stop

Kate responds to the latest targeted harassment of women in Magic, sharing her brutal experiences.

Where Has All the Magic Gone?

Zach took a month off of Limited for the first time ever. What’s wrong with Magic and Ixalan?