WUBRG Series Part 1: White, with Michelle Rapp, Zack Brady, and Craig Wescoe

Sam interviews Michelle Rapp, Zack Brady, and Craig Wescoe about White in the WUBRG MTG color pie.

MTGFinance for Socialists

Hot MTGFinance tip of the week: Don’t invest in MTGFinance columns.

Sculpting New Horizons

Jace is back in Modern, and so is Zach. Today, we’ll consider why Jace is such a culturally significant card and how it can affect both Modern and its player base.

Dominaria Planeswalkers and Packaging Revealed at Toy Fair 2018

Toy 2018 featured Magic packaging that revealed Teferi as a planeswalker as well as an older Jaya Ballard.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Masters 25 Predictions

Zac introduces Phil Blechman our new substitute co-host, Nate’s sick this week. Phil and Zac take pot shots at the contents of M25, one guess from each set!

Vorthos Hash #1

Beck runs down some news, speculates about fancy new foil promos, and does a lot of pushups.

Clever Title

More Men of Steel, the latest B&R update, and listener email.

Abzan Panthers

Ryan goes all Quantum Commander for a fun Abzan Panthers deck in honor of the new film Black Panther.

Dominaria’s Story REVEALED

Dominaria’s story will be written by Martha Wells and will feature Gideon, Liliana, Jhoira, Teferi, and Karn.