Here Be Zacolytes

Patrick sits down with local mono red player and returning guest Zac Turgeon.

Vintage, Masters 25, and SCGWor Prep

Phil and Zac face off in Vintage. Nate Looks at Masters picks and talks #SCGWOR.

Cone of Future Flames

In which Beck learns to stop worrying and embrace non-canonical flavor.

Craig Wescoe, the Champion of the Savannah

Sam interviews legendary pro player, Craig Wescoe about his life, his faith, pro magic, and the color White of WUBRG.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

25th Anniversary Masters

This week we roast Magic’s latest product: 25th Anniversary Masters

Meanest Deck in Magic Update

Aaron continues to search for the Meanest Deck in Magic. Is it a Pauper deck?

MTGDad Eight-Week Check-In and Rivals of Ixalan Sealed Pool Analysis

With a second trophy in his pocket, can you help MTGDad get ready for a fifth RIX Friendly Sealed League?

Why We Shouldn’t be Allowed to Vote on the Story

Levi has some issues with how the Rivals of Ixalan story conclusion was decided. Do you?

Masters 25 Limited Speculation

Carrie guesses at some cards that might fill out the Masters 25 Liited environment.

Can Challenger Decks Destroy the Secondary Market?

Rich considers the implications of the new Challenger Decks.

Gleaning from Three Masters 25 Commons

Dark Ritual, Pillage, and Balduvian Horde are all in Masters 25. What do they all have in common? What do they say about Masters 25 Limited? Find out here!