Phil places in the top 32 at SCGWOR with Esper Mentor. The Gang gets into a heated debate about DRS’s life expectancy in the format.
Unfortunately this isn’t the first time an upcoming set as suffered massive leaks.
The Planeswalker Redirection rule will likely be removed from the game when Dominaria releases.
Ryan takes a stab at deciding which planeswalkers would actually make viable generals, if such a thing were allowed by the Commander rules.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
Shawn writes about making Day Two at SCG Worcester with Soldiers. Yes, Soldiers.
This week we take a look at some developmental milestones we’ve achieved in our few months as an MTGDad
Carrie drafted Modern Masters 2017 last week to help prepare you to be disappointed as you crack boxes of Masters 25.
25th Anniversary Masters is full of reprints and 148 of them are seeing their first paper booster product reprint ever, but what’s the point?
Masters 25 looks like a mess. There’s value, there’s history, but there’s no archetypes. What gives?
The new Modern meta was on display at the Magic Online Championship Series this weekend
Kate reports on the results from her survey of what people wanted to see banned or unbanned in Modern.