Beck turns his Standard brew into a Brawl deck.
Grand Prix Kyoto was Jace’s time to shine.
Rob digs the storytelling represented in the mechanics of the new Saga mechanic from Dominaria.
Levi shares his initial reactions to the new Brawl format.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
Phil, Nate, and Zac talk about what defines a brew, and when its right to brew.
There’s a lot going on in a game of MTG Arena. Let’s go over the important UI elements!
Wilson Hunter, of The Brainstorm Show fame, joins the show to discuss how a real Legacy podcast is run
MTG Arena is free-to-play. So how will you earn more cards and expand your collection?
New to MTG Arena? We’ll show you around the client and how to play!
Sam interviews the OG from Down Under, Ben Seck about community building, winning a lot, and lending cards to Kai Budde.
There’s a new Commander format in town! Brawl will use 60 Standard-legal cards but otherwise follows Commander’s rules.