Kendra helps you soup up your Vehicle Rush Challenger deck for Standard.
Levi reviews his impressions from the MTG Arena Beta.
Zach gives you the early read on Dominaria’s limitd formats, including Team Sealed for Grand Prix Columbus this weekend.
Hasbro (and Magic) had a horrendous Q1 of 2018 thanks to the closing of Toys’R’Us.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
Are you ready for Dominaria and the upcoming Grand Prix and Pro Tour events on the schedule?
Rob explores the relationship between Dominaria’s past extinction events and our own.
Phil, Nate and Zac look at Dominaria now that its out and see what gems they can find.
Wilson Hunter and James Hsu join the cast to discuss their experiences before, during, and after GP Seattle.
Sam interviews Patrick Sullivan, master Red mage, game designer for Eternal, and SCG Commentator.
Ryan runs down the new uncommon enemy-color commanders from Dominaria.
Donny showcases Matt Stewart’s oiginal sketch for Gilded Cerodon.