Carrie highlights her favorite commons from Dominaria draft.
Kendra introduces her favorite Pauper deck, Elves!
Dominaria is one for the ages, a design masterpiece. What about its design makes it so good relative to everything else? Find out here!
Over half of the Top 32 decks featured Heart of Kiran.
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Spoiler Alert: Zac and Nate made some guesses on thursday about GP Birmingham. How good did they do?
Grand Prix Birmingham brought us another example of Legacy being a valuable format to the community, but its sustainability remains questionable
Jerry and Patrick get to talk with GP Seattle Top 64 finisher Chantelle Campbell.
Beck reflects on the lessons he’s learned writing vorthos content.
Ryan goes back to the classics to modernize the Jhoira OG. Can you suspend your disbelief?
Carrie continues her quest to learn to love drafting Gruul.
Kendra reflects on her success at Grand Prix Seattle, as well as the challenges of going back to daily life after the event.