Battlebond Reactions

Zac and Nate scour Battlebond for desirable legacy offerings.

GP Birmingham Champion Gary Campbell

Gary Campbell took down GP Birmingham with Mono Red Prison.

Four-Color Gitrog

Ryan debuts out his four-color Commander deck idea based around The Gitrog Monster.

Gruul Reality

Try as she might, Carrie can’t stop drafting awesome Gruul decks in Dominaria.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

The Dominaria Problem

Levi reflects on the challenges of telling the story in Dominaria.

Building a Better Stampede

Kendra updates her Elves for the Pauper Challenge and scores a top eight.

The Challenges of Ravnican Design

We’re returning to Ravnica! This is very cool news, yet it highlights an important design challenge: how does Magic return to its worlds? And what unique to Ravnica makes it harder to revisit?

Phil’s Birmingham Recap & MTG Finance Advice

Phil’s Back from England, Zac and Nathan Are getting interested in Premodern, Zac has some MTGFinance tips that he hopes saves you a few bucks.

Access and Accessibility

Rob takes an anthropological look at how cultures handle those among them who need help the most, and how it applies to Magic’s many diverse cultures as well.

Ravnica: Nicol Bolas War, Part One

With three upcoming expansions set on Ravnica, we need to have a talk about storytelling.