For a supposedly simple format, there’s a lot going on in M19. Thread the needles properly and you can draft some truly excellent control decks.
Magic cards will be subject to a 10% Canadian import tax in response to President Trump’s tariffs.
New tariffs enacted by the Canadian government to punish American president Donald Trump will result in a 10% increase in the cost of packs in Canada.
Rob anticipates the Commander 2018 spoilers while reviewing the big hits from previous sets.
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Phil Nate and Zac look at the early meta and See what decks take the lead early on.
Jerry and Patrick get hyped over the new Legacy meta.
Carrie had a blast (from the past) at the M19 prerelease.
Donny shines a light on his limited edition digital print of Tommy Arnold’s Syncopate.
Ryan loans his Jodah deck to a friend, and it helps him see the game from a new perspective.
Lexie is full of spirit for some new M19 cards that strengthen the tribe in Modern!
Kendra goes deeper into the various builds of Boros in Pauper.