Legacy with Liz

Liz, aka Nerdwalla, joins the cast to chat about her latest Legacy deck obsession.

Commander 2018, Part II

Hello again and welcome to the second part of my look into the marquee generals of Commander 2018. Like yesterday, […]

LaL Presents Our Commander 2018 Preview Card

Thank you to Wizards of the Coast for the first preview card for Leaving a Legacy!

Vintage Artist Constructed—Randy Gallegos Mono-Blue

Donny has another sweet Vintage Artist Constructed deck: Mono-Blue Randy Gallegos.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Commander 2018, Part I

Ryan reacts to the Commander 2018 planeswalker generals.

Goblin Rush

Levi tunes his old Krenko, Mob Boss Commander deck to compete with his current metagame of power decks.

Affinity for Pauper

Kendra introduces one of the long-standing pillars of the Pauper format: Affinity.

Deep Dive: Lingering Bant Spirits

Lexi goes in depth on her preferred Modern Spirits build: Bant Spirits featuring Lingering Souls.

The Road to Gallant Cavalry

It seems like white’s been making pairs of 2/2s forever, but in fact, it’s a recent innovation. Today, let’s dive into the surprisingly brief history of Gallant Cavalry!

Wizards Announces an MTG Crossover for D&D: Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica

The most ambitious crossover event in history is finally here.

Commander 2018 Preview Season Kicks Off with the Leak of all Four Commanders

The leaks come just before the official start of Commander 2018’s preview season.