Last Weekend in Minneapolis

Ryan reports from the Commander tables in and around Grand Prix Minneapolis.

25 Years of Magic Memories

On August 5th, 1993, a small company known as Wizards of the Coast released a game created by Richard Garfield […]

Big Spell Mage DeckTech

Zac (Durdlemagus) and Richard (Loosebuce) deconstruct Big Spell Mage. A focus on the deck’s good/bad match ups and the insights we use when playing with and against this deck.

A Time-Traveling Tournament Report

Rob reports from an Old School tournament, complete with music and refreshments!

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Preparing for the Moment

Sometimes, life just makes you sad when you should be happy. Today, on the eve of Gen Con, let’s talk about that.

Baku Paladin Deck Tech w/ Damian Mougakos

Hearthstone Legend player Damian Mougakos joins Zac (durdlemagus) and Richard (LooseBuce) for a direct scrutiny of Odd Paladin. His unique […]

Terese Nielsen’s SDCC Nissa Promo Painting Sells for $25,600

Nissa beat out last week’s Liliana sale of $22,950

Introducing Fantasy Pro Tour

We’ve been hard at work on a new way to enjoy the Pro Tour.

Pro Tour Practice and the Experience of Grand Prix Minneapolis

Not all Grand Prix events are created equally and the Grand Prix held right before a Pro Tour, such as Grand Prix Minneapolis, is usually the least fair.

Into the Void w/Grayson Richings-Parker

Nathan and Phil interview Grayson Richings-Parker on the controversial Magic card Chalice of the Void. Zac takes the week off.

Original Painting For Shahrazad Sells For $72,000

Shahrazad sold for the highest price ever for a piece of original Magic art.