Painting for SDCC Promo Gideon of the Trials Sells for $22,988

The final painting for the 2018 SDCC promos has sold.

Five-Color Brudiclad

Ryan builds a Commander deck around Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer, and then hides it inside his library.

Commander 2018 Market Review

Donny runs through the highlights of art sales from Commander 2018.

Bad Puns and Grumble Grumble w/ Joe Stempo

Zac (durdlemagus) recruits Joe Stempo (Richard is on vacation this week) to talk about Brawliseum, HCT Buenos Aires, the rise and fall of good King Togwaggle and what we’re playing with success this week on the ladder.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

In the Mind of Bolas

Levi explores the newly-developed character of Nicol Bolas.

Taking Pauper Affinity to the Shop

Kendra guides you through sideboarding with Affinity across the Pauper metagame.

The Future of Masters

Masters sets were supposed to be biannual, themed products, but the next set is nowhere to be found. Is the Masters line dead?

Red is Back on Top in Standard

But did it ever lose its top spot in the first place?

Jonathan Sukenik on Pro Tour 25th & Grixis Delver

Zac and Nathan grill Jonathan Sukenik on his top 8 finish at Pro Tour 25th. He talks Grixis Delver and his unique approach to the game.

A Recent History of Death in the Multiverse

Beck chronicles the character deaths of a decade of Magic story.