Return to the Top Five

Carrie recalls her top five Limited cards from Return to Ravnica.

Tempo Mage and Star Aligner Druid

Richard is back! Zac Talks about a stunning run with TempoMage and we look at HSReplay as a resource for determining what deck to play in the current meta.

Shadows Over Innistrad

Ryan recaps his understanding of the story of Shadows Over Innistrad.

WotC-Affiliated Artists Anna Steinbauer, Magali Villeneuve, and Titus Lunter Detained by ICE in Seattle

Magic and Dungeons and Dragons illustrators Magali Villeneuve, Titus Lunter, and Anna Steinbauer detained by ICE in Seattle before being deported.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Stirring the Pot: B&R Restrospective

Emma considers the future of the Modern Banned & Restricted list.

Ribbons of Night Rocks!

Some folks have pet cube cards, and for Zach, it’s Ribbons of Night. It’s not good enough for Legacy Cube, but in the right place, it can be just perfect.


Leaving a Legacy celebrates their 200th episode!

Evaluating Odd Control Warrior in Boomsday Ladder

Billy joins the team at Hipsters of the Coast to talk Hearthstone in the Boomsday meta and focuses on how well he’s managed with Odd Control Warrior so far

My Pro Tour Hall of Fame Ballot

Rich goes over his five selections for the 2018 class of the MTG Pro Tour Hall of Fame and talks about his decision-making process

GP Richmond Prep

Nate, Phil, and Zac look at the current meta and make decisions for what to play at the Grand Prix.

Modern Art

Rob petitions to add his favorite grindy control cards to Modern.