Odd Cycling

Ryan examines his friend’s cycling-based Yennett Cryptic Sovereign Commander deck.

Grand Prix Richmond Pauper Championship

Learn how Kendra piloted Elves to the finals the Pauper Championship at Grand Prix Richmond.

Comparing Ladder to HCT

Zac hits Legend. He and Richard talk about Zoolock and how playing fast decks high on the ladder is smart for getting in reps.

Ravnica: an Early Commander Review

Levi reviews the early Guilds of Ravnica spoilers with an eye for Commander.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

The Mechanics of Guilds of Ravnica

Guilds of Ravnica has five mechanics, four of which are brand new and three of those are quite familiar. Zach’s here to review all five!

Timely Reinforcements: Sideboarding with White

Emma runs down the powerful white sideboard cards in Modern.

2018 Labor Day Special

Congratulations to this year’s winners of the Steamflogger Union’s annual celebration of hard work, labor, determination, work, sweat, work, and more work!

Tom Ellis on Elves

Tom Ellis joins us this week to talk about Elves after the loss of Deathrite Shaman.

GP Richmond With Spencer Howland

Spencer Howland of Constructed Criticism joins the cast.

Commander Year in Review

Ryan reviews the new hits for Commander released over the last year.

Return to the Top Five

Carrie recalls her top five Limited cards from Return to Ravnica.