An Interview with Gavin Verhey

Gavin Verhey joins the cast to talk about his love of pauper as a format.

Eric Vergo on Eternal Weekend

Nathan and Zac welcome back Eric Vergo to talk about Eternal Weekend, what the meta looks like and how insane Paradoxical Outcome is.

Seth Manfield Empowers Players

Sam interviews Seth Manfield, World Champion and Hall of Famer about his life.

Legacy Eldrazi Post

Scott of The Booze Cube talks Eldrazi Post.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Dual Class Follow-Up

Richard and Zac look back on the Dual Class Arena and lament it’s passing.

Dreamhack Atlanta to Award Pro Tour Invitation

This is our first look at one of the forms new PTQs can take.

Daxos Returns for Divine Visitation

Ryan builds a Daxos the Returned deck that is actually a Divine Visitation deck.

Card Kingdom’s “The Chalice” Event Raises $33k for Charity

The event benefited Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Puget Sound

Drafting Golgari

Carrie drafts Golgari in Guilds of Ravnica and wins!

Going to Your First Grand Prix

So you want to go to your first grand prix? Daniel is here to help!

Take Heart

This is the story of the worst combat trick Zach has ever cast, and the best Magic mistake he ever made.