EW 2018 Legacy finalist Cyrus Corman-Gill joins the cast.
Daniel reviews the Standard highlights from Pro Tour Guilds of Ravnica.
Ryan wants to see some tribes return to Magic. Specifically, these five tribes.
Donny tells the tale of the newest art for Tarmogoyf, and how to find original Magic art for sale.
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Sam interviews Gavin Verhey about his philosophy designing Magic and his adventures traveling around the world.
Kendra Smith, AKA: TheMaverickGirl, joins the podcast.
The new art for Tarmogoyf was also sold for an undisclosed amount.
War Games returns with chaper two: Homecoming.
Lucas Graciano was asked to update the design and was given some fun creative freedom.
In the first of this three part Report Card review of Guilds of Ravnica, Zach dives into all five mechanics. Some are truly spectacular, while others, well, you’ll see.
Rich has learned a few things after writing about Magic for six years. Good lord that’s a long time.