Nate and Zac discuss a new Mardu build, and final thoughts on Ultimate Masters.
Ross bested over 100 players with his take on Grixis Delver.
Holiday weekends are perfect for “in case you missed it . . .”
Mike and Adrian talk Fire // Ice and Temur Tron.
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Let’s run down the state of Standard after Grand Prix Milwaukee.
Carrie runs down some notable Ultimate Masters reprints.
The Guilds of Ravnica report card continues with the big one: a complete review of the Limited environment.
The piece did not realize the kind of price expected in today’s art market.
Sullivan waded through a sea of Golgari Midrange to take down the tournament.
Rob looks at Gruesome Menagerie and sees Patriarch’s Bidding for goblins.
Phil and Zac look at some recent (and one not so recent) cards to see if they might make a wave in the meta over the next few months.