Blizzard vs Wizards of the Coast: Battle of the Digital TCG eSports Announcements Round One

We look at Blizzard’s eSports announcement from last week and use it to predict what could be in-store for WotC’s upcoming MTG Arena announcement.

Cartomancy 101: What We Can Divine from Ultimate Masters

Looking for answers in all the wrong places.

Marketing Blunders

When will marketing come to Magic?

Mike Noble

Jerry and Patrick sit down with Legacy aficionado Mike Noble

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Foxfire Oak

Donny hangs a Shadowmoor classic on his wall: Dave Kendall’s Foxfire Oak.

Ultimate Masters Pauper Set Review

Mike and Adrian review how Ultimate Master will impact Pauper.

Dollar General—Morinfen

Ryan builds a Dollar General out of everyone’s favorite original Phyrexian monster: Morinfen!

Chapter Three: The Nameless Girl

The meddling of the Gods roils Meletis. Read chapter three of War Games now!

Rogue Decks in Standard

Daniel surveys the rogue decks emerging in Standard.

The Archetypes of Ultimate Masters

Ultimate Masters prerelease is this weekend at PAX Unplugged! To get ready, here’s our full Limited guide!

Interview with a Counterfeiter

Derek Heinbach found and interviewed to one of the most prominent producers of counterfeit Magic cards.