Will Chalice of the Void disrupt the evolving Modern metagame?
A wild Tarmogoyf appears!
Zac celebrates a day 2 at GPNJ. Nate talks about a 5-0 with UR Pteramander. They break down the recent announcement about Organized Play and the Mythic Invitational.
It’s the biggest crossover event of the year!
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
Eric Landon joins the cast.
A sketch was sold to the purchaser of the final painting.
The top eight Constructed players from MTG Arena in February will also be invited.
Aaron recaps an exciting Week 3 of VSL.
Why did two similar paintings sell for such different prices?
What looked like a routine game at first took almost two hours and divine intervention to bring to an end.
Mike welcomes Adam Styborski, creator of the Pauper Cube, to the cast.