Mulligan Opinions

Nathan and Zac wax poetic on the new mulligan rule.

Collector’s Suite for Seb McKinnon’s Art for Bedevil Sells for $5,600

It’s the first of his limited giclĂ©e canvases and painted artist proofs.

Autumn Burchett Wins Mythic Championship I Cleveland

Burchett is the first trans, non-binary Mythic Champion.

Mythic Championship Cleveland Day 2 Recap

The Top 8 will be Marcio Carvalho, Reid Duke, Autumn Burchett, Yoshihiko Ikawa, Michael Bonde, Julien Berteaux, Alex Majliton, and Luis Scott-Vargas.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Mythic Championship Cleveland Day 1 Recap

Sultai Midrange and Mono-Blue Tempo dominated the feature match area.

Jeremy Aaranson Returns!

Jerry and Patrick sit down and talk shop with one of the midwest’s most beloved TOs.

How to Prepare When Preparing

Zack walks through his approach to playtesting.

Formats for Mythic Championship London Revealed: Modern and War of the Spark Limited

War of the Spark cards will NOT be legal in the Modern portion.

Adam “AgraveiN” Skotak Wins Twitch Rivals $10k MTG Arena Tournament

He took the tournament down with Selesnya Tokens.