Let’s talk about the things that make us happy.
Michael Findley walks through his process to animate Magic card art.
Only one spot in the semifinals remains!
War of the Spark will contain thirty-six all new Planeswalkers, a truly wild design challenge. Find out just how it can be accomplished here.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
The whole crew chimes in to guess what cards will spill over to modern from Legacy.
So. Many. Planeswalkers.
Team Nova runs down their deck choices for SCG Regionals.
Before (or after) you see Captain Marvel in theaters, catch up on Rich’s greatest hits recommendations from 50 years of Carol Danvers comics!
Jerry recaps his experience at SCG Syracuse and Pat covers the highest finishing decks.
How to pick yourself up after dropping.
The playoffs are set!