“Top 8” at the Mythic Invitational

Edoardo Annuziata (quicksort) shares his journey to the final rounds of the Mythic Invitational!

Lore of the Spark

The payoff for years of setup is finally here! We’re here with more than the usual amount of snark to sort out the story of War of the Spark.

Play Good Decks: The Spike’s Guide to Deck Selection

Don’t talk yourself into a bad decision.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Talking Modern Esper Control with Zach Allen

Charming his way to second place at SCG Cleveland.

Ravnican Relief with Renee

Joe Redemann, Hobbes Q., and Alex Newman talk to emergency planner Renee about Ravnica’s impending disaster.

Hordes of Discipline

We built this citadel on paying life for cards.

Legacy Azorius Delver Overview and Sideboard Guide

Harlan discusses the recent changes to his Legacy Azorius Delver deck.

The Best Modern Deck That No One Is Playing

Mill—it’s no longer just a casual strategy in Modern.

Leaving a Legacy Open III

Pat and Jerry recap the third annual LaL Open.

Brad Nelson Wins Fandom Legends’ First $4k MTG Arena Tournament

The event offered our first glimpse at how community-organized MTG Arena tournaments will look.