Mythic Championship IV Barcelona Will Be Modern Constructed and Modern Horizons Limited

It will take place on July 26-28, 2019 at Fira de Barcelona Gran Via.

Shadow League

Brad plays through an MTGO Modern League with Death’s Shadow!

Every War of the Spark Common Reviewed, Part 1

War of the Spark is fully spoiled, which means it’s time to prep for Limited! Today, it’s all the white, blue, and black commons.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Everything You Need to Know About Mythic Championship II London

A (prerelease) Modern Mythic Championship with a new mulligan rule and public decklists.

Wyatt Darby Wins Week 2 of Fandom Legends’ $4k MTG Arena Tournament Series

Darby defeated Autumn Burchett in the finals.

Go Go Ravnica Standard with War of the Spark

Austin offers up some Standard decklists with War of the Spark joining the format.

Don’t Be So Limited

What can Limited teach us about playing Constructed?

More War of the Spark Modern Contenders

More War of the Spark previews, more Modern contenders.