War Craft

Decade-long capitalist storybuilding thinkpiece.

Spoiler-Filled Avengers: Endgame Review


Eli Loveman Wins Mythic Championship II London

He piloted Humans to victory over Matt Sperling’s Affinity deck in the finals.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

The Magic Pro League Begins on May 11

The MPL will play weekly on Saturdays at 3pm Eastern.

Mythic Championship II London Day 2 Recap

3x Humans, 2x Tron, 1x Izzet Phoenix, 1x Titanshift, and 1x Affinity.

Mythic Championship II London Day 1 Recap

Tron was the most popular Modern deck at the event.

Show Mee the Money

Jerry made Top 8 at GP Niagara Falls.

Art for Wardscale Crocodile by Zezhou Chen Sells for $1,500

This was the artist’s first traditional work for Magic.