UW Control in Standard

Austin plays a Standard league with UW Control.

The Designs of War of the Spark

Learn about five of the most crucial cards in War of the Spark draft, why blue is the best color, and why green-white bats below par.

Jace Beleren—The Shadow of Gideon

Part 2 explores Gideon’s influence over Jace.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

New Modern Combo Decks

Narset, new Karn, and Neoform.

Jace Beleren—The Early Years

Part 1 of an exploration of Jace’s character.

Painting of Ugin, the Spirit Dragon by Chris Rahn Sells for War of the Spark Mythic Edition for $35,600

It is one of three traditional planeswalker pieces from War of the Spark and its supplemental products.

Taking 20th at Niagara Falls with Grixis Delver

Roland Chang went from zero byes to 20th place playing Legacy Grixis Delver at MagicFest Niagara Falls.

Two Insomniacs Walk into a Bar

Jerry and Cyrus talk Legacy!

Team Nova’s Decklists for SCG Richmond

For Week 1, the team favors Nexus and White aggressive decks.

Seb McKinnon’s Second Kickstarter Raises $726,417 USD

Donations will fund McKinnon’s feature film project, KIN Fables: The Stolen Child.