Week 1 featured a wild match between Piotr Glogowski and Andrea Mengucci.
They are in addition to the existing MPL, prior performance, and direct qualification slots.
They join Autumn Burchett as the newest additions to the MPL.
Thompson cites concerns about MPL contracts, event coverage, and communication issues with Wizards.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
The Top 6 most unique planeswalker skills!
Start the Modern Horizons hype train now.
The exhibition this fall will feature over 60 pieces of original Magic: The Gathering art!
Our long walk with Jace Beleren returns! Part 4 finds Jace marooned on Useless Island.
Bant Midrange was the surprise deck of the weekend.
Part two concludes our journey through the history of planeswalker design.
Levi reviews the characters from War of the Spark. Story spoilers within.