Adam Paquette joins the show to talk about his work imagining and illustrating Magic’s Multiverse.
The First Sliver is the latest Sliver WUBRG-lord.
It is one of only two traditional paintings Svetlin Velinov has done for Magic.
They advance directly to the Top 16 on Day 2 of the upcoming Mythic Championship III in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
It will take place on MTG Arena from July 13 and 14, 2019.
Single and ready to mingle.
Plus MTGO League changes and the esports bubble.
Zack walks through his personal Standard and Modern metagame analysis for the SCG Invitational.
Gruul smash! With sideboard guide!!!
He defeated 2016 World Champion Brian “BBD” Braun-Duin in an all-Magic Pro League finals.
Is Braids, Conjurer Adept poised for a comeback in Commander?