So you want to play Death’s Shadow in Modern? Here’s how to decide if that is a good idea.
Hogaak didn’t deliver on its supposed boogeyman status.
Mike and Adrian take a look at the new inclusions from Modern Horizons in last weekend’s Pauper Challenge decklists.
Ryan Pancoast also painted Ranger of Eos for Modern Masters 2017.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
Dreadhorde Arcanist is the real deal for Legacy Izzet Delver.
The cards illustrate Chandra’s growth into pyromancer that we know and love today.
Modern Horizons is legal and that means a ton of new cards are in this week’s decklists!
You shall know a Limited format by the trail of removal spells.
Ryan Pancoast is one of the best-selling artists in Magic.
They include eight women, three Hall of Famers, but not Eli Loveman.
The Magic Pro League’s Spark Split concluded on Friday in front of a meager audience of around 3,000 viewers.