Eric Hawkins Wins Week 11 of Fandom Legends’ $4k MTG Tournament Series A

He defeated teammate Tom Locke in the finals.

This and That

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Beating the Hogaak Menace

How to unbuild their Hogaak.

Amulet Titan with Modern Horizons

The Modern metagame continues to evolve. Consider these cards from Modern Horizons for Amulet Titan.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Marit Lage’s Slumber by Randy Vargas Sells for $4,400

It is his second traditional painting for Magic. The color study also sold for $825.

Modern Horizons Decks That Aren’t Hogaak Bridgevine

And now for something completely different.

10 Players to Watch at Mythic Championship III Las Vegas

Players with byes, Hall of Famers, and a jokester.

The Spirit of Jeskai Commands You

Ryan is kicking for Kykar, Wind’s Fury!

Color Study for Blizzard Strix by Suzanne Helmigh Sells for $1,300

It was Suzanne Helmigh’s first traditional work offered for sale.

Modern Izzet Phoenix: The Complete Guide After Modern Horizons

The Modern world is ever-changing. Keep up with Izzet Phoenix right here.

Fancy Standard Technology

What forgotten cards could make a big difference at Mythic Championship III Las Vegas?