He defeated Brad Nelson in the finals.
Zack highlights some key Core Set 2020 cards for Standard, Modern, and maybe even Legacy.
Jack Kitchen chats about his favorite Legacy deck, Imperial Painter.
The team mostly lands on Izzet Phoenix for SCG Pittsburgh, with some Hogaak and Grixis Whirza mixed in.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
Y’all forgot about Goyf.
The cards were preemptively banned in the newly-unified Pauper format.
Pauper is now an officially sanctioned format with an official card pool.
Would you like a kitten?
Historic begins with Ixalan going forwards.
Ryan swears by wolves. Arlinn Kord is his Oathbreaker.
Urza has a new look in Modern.