Corpse Knight Misprints Show Up at Some Core Set 2020 Prereleases

Some versions of the card were erroneously printed with three toughness.

Gavin’s Christmas in July!

Gavin returns to the cast.

Core Set 2020 Mastery Grind — Day Three

You can write almost anything here, but you can’t write nothing.

Modern is Back in Black

Some thoughtsies about Thoughtseize.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Team Modern Super League 2 Week 6 Recap

One team lived on to compete in the quarterfinals, another was eliminated.

Under the Bridge from Below

The Modern metagame goes up and down, and lately it goes down below.

Core Set 2020 Standard Surprises

The Regulators—not just a classic music video anymore.

Color Study and Thumbnail Set for Temple of Malady Sell for $675

The color study sold for $450, while the thumbnail sheet for $225.

Best Plains Art

The aesthetics of white mana production.

Bloodsoaked Altar and its Demon Token Sell for $8,000

A private buyer exercised a “Buy It Now” option to purchase both works together.