Terese Nielsen’s Tokens of Spirit Kickstarter Raises $312,399

It will produce a series of special tokens and playmats with art from Nielsen.

Luis Scott-Vargas Wins Grand Prix Denver with Bant Scapeshift

It was his sixth Grand Prix victory, tying him for fourth all-time.

Wizards Unveils Throne of Eldraine at San Diego Comic-Con

Eldraine is a top-down fairy tale world with elements of Arthurian mythology.

Brawl is Coming MTG Arena “Later This Year”

Wizards will also be releasing four preconstructed Brawl decks with seven new cards each.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Commander 2019 Previews to Begin August 1 at GenCon

The product will release a few weeks later on August 23 and will feature four pre-constructed decks.

MTG Arena Players are Getting Banned for Abusing Their Pet to Time Out Opponents

Around 50 players had been suspended for five days each as of Tuesday afternoon.

Feather or Dino for Standard?

What will Zack play for his team at SCG Philadelphia this weekend?

Autumn Burchett Wins Week 15 of Fandom Legends’ $4k MTG Arena Tournament Series

Burchett defeated fellow MPL member and Márcio Carvalho in the finals.

Choosing Your Graveyard Hate and Why It Matters

Sideboard smarter against graveyard decks in Modern.

What We’d Play at SCG Philadelphia

Team Constructed means more decks!

Tony Scapone

Local Legacy streamer Tony Scapone joins the cast.