We’re All Mad Here—Upgrading Merciless Rage from Commander 2019

Travis looks at ways to improve Commander 2019’s Madness deck, Merciless Rage.

Art for Throne of Eldraine Plains by Howard Lyon Sells for $8,800

It was the fourth basic land from Throne of Eldraine to sell since the set’s reveal at SDCC.

Seth Manfield Wins the Emerald Division in the MPL’s Core Split

He defeated Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa in the finals to become the Emerald Division champion.

Black Deth!

This week, Jerry and Patrick discuss Black Deth with it’s innovator, Tony Bennedetti!

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

3 Simple Ways to Beat Hogaak

Hogaak may have taken over Modern, but there are still plenty of ways to defeat it!

Guiding You Through the Shadows: A Mardu Death’s Shadow Primer

Without a shadow of a doubt—Death’s Shadow is back!

What We’d Play at SCG Richmond

Check out what Team Nova will be packing at SCG Richmond this weekend!

Modern Team Super League 2 Semifinals 1 Recap

Did the Stream Team or Mage Market advance to the finals?

Protection from Red: Gideon in Hour of Devastation

As the Gatewatch fails on Amonkhet, Gideon finally gives in to his Red side.

Practical Card Advantage in an Impractical World

Card advantage is just about playing Divinations.

The Players Tour Will Replace Magic’s Pro Tour

The Players Tour is much closer to the Pro Tour than the tabletop Mythic Championships were.