Fixing Pauper’s Mana Problem

With Arcum’s Astrolabe banished from Pauper, can we imagine a better world for common dual lands?

Arcum’s Astrolabe Banned in Pauper

Arcum’s Astrolabe was too powerful, combining cheap mana-fixing and card draw in a format where both are hard to come by.

Field of the Dead Banned in Standard

Field of the Dead combined with Golos, Tireless Pilgrim to dramatically warp the Standard format.

Wizards Reveals the New Pioneer Format, Which Will Use Cards from Return to Ravnica Forward

It will be the constructed format at the first Players Tour and Players Tour Finals in 2020.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Cursed Times

There are no bloody tomes or jokes about tastiness to be found here.

Syr Gwyn, Hero of Ashvale—Upgrading for Commander

Looking to upgrade your Brawl deck? Kristen’s got you covered.

Javier Dominguez Wins Mythic Championship V with Gruul Aggro

His metagame deck choice of Gruul Aggro got its preferred matchup of Bant Golos in the Grand Finals.

Bant Golos Only Puts 1 Copy into the Top 8 of Mythic Championship V

But there were 9 Golos decks in the Top 16.

Lee Shi Tian Voices Support for the Hong Kong Protests at Mythic Championship V

He wore a mask throughout the day, a reference to the masks worn by protestors.

MTG Arena Crashes Affect Some Mythic Championship V Matches

The game was crashing on the tournament machines both before and during the event.

Bant Golos Dominates Day 1 of Mythic Championship V

But there’s a larger problem—only three decks that didn’t play Green made Day 2.