Answering the Threat of Invalidation

This is the story of how Hornet Queen and the Mythic Invitational lead to Oko, Thief of Crowns and Field of the Dead.

Modern’s Lurking Lady of Eldraine

Where does Emry, Lurker of the Loch beong within the Modern metagame?

William Jensen Wins the Ruby Division of the MPL’s Eldraine Split

Jensen played Bant Food and defeated Autumn Burchett on Golos fires in the Grand Finals.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Keeping Gameplay Fresh in Commander

How to keep things fresh as you add more decks to your roster, including a Rhonas the Indomitable deck that mixes up mono-green stompy.

Pioneering TheFringThing

The guys chat about Legacy in Canada, talk Pioneer implications, go over the Legacy format playoffs, and more!

Pioneer: Looking Back to Look Forward

Zack looks back on Standard decks of the past to help map out the future.

Top 8 Cards That Might Be Good Enough for Pioneer

Anyone can predict the Pioneer ban list. We do something a little different.

Unclaimed Territory: How Does Pioneer Affect Commander?

Is now a good time to look at your Commander staples?

Pioneering a Manabase

We start, as always, with the Pioneer manabase.