LaL Open V Winner DNsolver

Zac steps in for Jerry as we talk to Curtis Doiron (DNsolver) about his win at the LaL Open V.

Rats in the Walls

Happy Halloween! To celebrate the beloved holiday, James Wise of Master of Magics put out the call for a Halloween […]

Throne of Eldraine Grand Art Tour, Volume 3

The final Grand Art Tour for Throne of Eldraine covers the non-lands and Brawl decks.

Commander 2020 is “Ikoria Commander,” Releases April 24, 2020 with Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths

Five new Commander decks and 71 new cards to be released with Ikoria on April 24, 2020.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Wizards Will Release 2 Commander Decks with Zendikar Rising

Each deck will feature three new cards that are not included in booster packs of Zendikar Rising.

Commander Collection Green Will be Like a Signature Spellbook for Commander

It is the first in a new WPN exclusive product line featuring 8 Green cards for Commander.

Commander Legends is a Draftable Commander Set Coming in 2020

It will be a draftable Commander experience that will be released in the fourth quarter of 2020.

The SCG Invitational Will Use the New Pioneer Format Instead of Standard

The Invitational will feature Pioneer and Modern in the swiss rounds and Pioneer Top 8.

Massive Theros: Beyond Death Leaks Appear 3 Months Before the Set’s Release

The 32 cards include five basic land and 27 non-land cards. They reveal some of the main mechanics and Elspeth’s planeswalker card.

Throne of Eldraine Cube Review: White

Magic’s newest expansion has a lot of cool additions for your cube!

Original Magic Art Launches a Playmat Pre-Order Store

In partnership with Backerkit, OMA will crowdfund previously unreleased playmat designs.