Wizards Confirms Changes to Invitation Criteria for the MPL’s 2020-21 Season

Two Rivals (down from four) are guaranteed invites to the MPL and the MPL Gauntlet will award three invites, rather than four.

Unconventional: The Unsanctioned Commanders

Ryan looks at all six of the legendary creatures from Unsanctioned, Magic’s newest un-production.

Rewrite the Stars: Jason Engle’s Theros Constellation

Creating the alternate-art gods and demigods of Theros Beyond Death.

MagicFest New Jersey and the New Magic Convention Experience

Derek had a great time at (the very crowded) new MagicFest experience.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Aaron Miller Launches Kickstarter for Foil Token Packs

There will be seven packs of tokens, each with tokens featuring original artwork.

Saddling up for the Big One in Phoenix

Zach does his final preparation before his first PT.

Modern Sideboards: Hot or Not

The shifting Modern metagame mixes up sideboards across the format.

Sparking Joy

Red has some fun on Theros.

Conserving Design Space in Commander, Part 2

Featuring an Alela, Artful Provocateur deck tech.

Joel Larsson Wins Players Tour Brussels

Larsson brought his homebrew Sultai Delirium deck to PT Brussels and won the whole tournament.

Kenta Harane Wins Players Tour Nagoya

Harane piloted Bant Spirits through a Top 8 with five copies of UB Inverter of Truth.