It takes years to travel back in time.
It will produce playmats and prints with art by Phil and Kaja Foglio, who illustrated 117 cards in the earliest days of Magic.
MagicFests in Detroit, Sao Paolo, Louisville, and Palm Beach cancelled, after MagicFest Turin had already been called off.
The decision comes on the same day that the World Health Organization classified the novel coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
The goblins explore how names are a limited resource in Magic and how they function within design space.
What makes it such a ubiquitous card? Should it be banned?
Try something a little different for you Standard laddering on Arena.
Everything you wanted to know about divvying cards, Fact or Fiction, and Truth or Tale, split into easy piles for your enjoyment.
Raising funds for AND THEN: a Girl-Meets-Girl Short Film set in Tokyo.
Once Upon a Time is now banned in four formats, while Underworld Breach is on the ban watch list in Pioneer.
Both Dimir Invert and Lotus Breach have sub-50% win rates, while Heliod Ballista is not a very popular deck choice.