Arielle from Air Bubbles Cosplay shares some secrets!
The goblins talk about…goblins in Magic with a very special guest—Wizards’s own Gavin Verhey!
What should rejoin the format next?
The company has now cancelled five stops of the 12 stops on the SCG Tour’s 2020 Season 1.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
Crack a Mystery Booster to see these cards again for the first time.
Mystery Boosters bring lower prices for some Commander staples.
All five cards have new art and will only be available from local games stores.
It will contain eight non-foil cards, five with new art, all with a unique flame-themed frame.
Zack turns the page in Modern and picks winners and losers.
Jerry and Patrick sit down with Jordan Aisaka.
There will also be an MTG Arena event in June as a part of Players Series 2.