Historic on a Budget, Part 1

Fun and affordable Historic decks in white, blue, and black!

Jumpstarting Back to My Roots

Jumpstart and quarantine gave Zach something he hadn’t had since childhood: solo Magic.

Paintings for Reanimated, Unicorn, and Goblin Jumpstart Basic Lands Sell for Nearly $25,000

They are the only new traditionally-painted basic lands in the set.

Tom Hepp Returns, Again!

Pat and Jerry sit down with their favorite Phyrexian, Tom Hepp!

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Konda’s Big Adventure

Many more than seven samurai lurk in this casual Commander brew.

Titus Lunter Birthing Pod Studies Sell for $3,500

The three pieces included a pencil sketch, a small color study, and a large color study, each used in preparation for the final work.

Commander Primer: Dimir

It’s a secret to everybody.

The Importance of Context in Limited

Five common reprints in Core Set 2021 show how a shift in context can drastically affect a card’s performance.

Monsters of Our Own Making

Does Ikoria hold deeper truths beyond its often goofy exterior?

The Ballad of Tinybones

Something new is old again!