Ryan looks at the Commander Ban List. What’s worth re-evaluating, and what’s going to be stuck in the Oubliette forever?
Jerry and Patrick sit down with esteemed Legacy content creator Julian Knab.
Scott Murphy puts Expedition Map on the map.
What era is your Commander from?
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
Ced and Ken from One More Mana (aka ManaSquad) discuss how deck building styles may be influenced by the narratives we all have about ourselves.
Double Master spoilers aren’t focused on Limited. It’s unfortunate, but for good reason.
Teferi is a hero for our time, even if that is merely coincidence.
Revenues fell year-over-year thanks to COVID-19 and the fact that Q2 2019 was Magic’s best quarter ever.
It turns out the double, tripling, or even quadrupling your mana is still a pretty strong strategy in Standard.
You get a reprint! And you get a reprint! And you get a reprint!
Make room for hot new cards in your decks by cutting these former Commander staples.