Tony Scapone joins the cast to discuss his latest build of Jeskai Delver, Top 8ing a recent challenge, and even some Zendikar spoilers.
Let’s recall and reflect upon the original preconstructed Commander decks.
Four auctions for preliminary sketches from Double Masters versions of Cyclonic Rift and Thoughtseize sold to the same collector.
The modular deck-and-accessories box will be available worldwide on September 25.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
Zendikar Rising introduces the first twist on double-faced cards, an innovation that breaks an ancient rule of Magic.
Why fight nature?
Zendikar once again brings new vampires to the table.
Indulge your pop culture tendencies with building Commander theme decks.
It is clear that the fight between democracy and totalitarianism is not only taking place Hong Kong but in the entire world. Everyone is a Hong Konger now.
His debut Magic painting recreates the iconic card with stunning beauty.
Jerry and Patrick sit down with Chris Banuchi from 90s MTG!