Their statement comes a year after the controversy surrounding the surprising end of the romantic relationship between Chandra and Nissa.
What happens when you compress ten weeks of play into two? Magic’s Netflix era.
Welcome to Marwyn.
This week’s features pieces hold some of the best stories of the entire set.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
Pack 7 volunteers to host your own private White Elephant gift-giving ceremony.
He piloted Azorius Control to victory over Autumn Burchett’s Mono-Red Goblins.
Banish evil and protect the meek with the help of Saint Nicholas.
It’s snowing goblins in the latest Jumpstart pack.
When dinosaurs call, run!
Mishra’s Factory operates throughout the winter, producing an efficient stream of toys.
Ian and Tom (from The Dead Format) join the cast to talk about everything—except Magic.