Design of a Card: Cogwork Archivist

Cogwork Archivist quietly fixes serious past play issues, creating something new and nuanced.

Strixly Speaking

Assessing a set that is neither the best nor the worst.

Print of Mystical Archive Counterspell by Lena Richards Sells for $3,700

The one-of-one print was sold along side the original sketch.

TonyScapone and The EPIC Ruby Storm

Local Legacy player, streamer, and writer TonyScapone joins the cast.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Quintorius Spirit Revival

Get a Lorehold of this recursive spirits Commander deck that promises to lower the power level at the table just by showing up.

Things That Make You Go Squee

The Goblins profile one of their favorite fellow Goblins—and the winner of Mark Rosewater’s Head to Head of Famous Goblins—Squee!

Does Magic Still Need Reach?

Over the years, Magic has added new mechanics and benched the underperformers. Is it time to drop Reach from the starting lineup?

Wizards Revenue Up 15% in Q1 2021, Kaldheim was Magic’s Best-Selling Winter Set Ever

MTG Arena, which launched on both iOS and Android in Q1, saw its revenue was grow 24%.

Seb McKinnon Kickstarter Featuring Secret Lair Art Raises $1.1 Million

McKinnon has now raised enough money to begin production of his feature film, KIN Fables: The Stolen Child.

Taking Time with Teferi

Zenaide speaks with the famous time-bending planeswalker himself!

Facebook Beefs

Jerry and Pat talk about…Legacy.