Behind the Brush: Ejiwa “Edge” Ebenebe

Edge discusses her artistic process and gives us a look at how she painted Ponder and Mother of Runes.

Wizards Gave Us a Preview Card?

The goblins show off their preview card from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms.

Setting New Goals

As the world and tabletop Magic slowly return, it’s time to take stock of what might now be possible.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Welcome, Phyrexians

Modern Horizons 2 introduces Phyrexian as a subtype, heralding new developments on Rob’s favorite plane of Magic.

Episode 6—The Battle of Red Cliffs

The Battle of Red Cliffs features some of the most memorable moments from the Three Kingdoms saga.

Venture Into the Dungeon

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms will bring actual dungeons to Magic.

Wrong Side of the Docks

This week Jerry invites local legacy aficionado D.J. Seco on the cast to go over their first paper FNM in over a year!

Akroma, Angelic Voltron

Old school general meets new school artifacts.

Glimmer Bairn by Nils Hamm Sells for $28,000

It’s a complimentary work to the artist’s Gilder Bairn, which was published more than a decade ago in the 2008 expansion, Eventide.

Were Mystery Booster Playtest Cards Worth It?

Mystery Boosters are coming back to local game stores, and with them the Mystery Booster playtest cards.