None Shall Pass Bombs
Nostalgia Trip
May 4, 2018
4 min to read
Carrie takes a nostalgia trip through some of her old cards and finds some gems.
Dominaria Quick Hits
April 26, 2018
3 min to read
Carrie talks Dominaria cards that impressed her at the prerelease.
New Age Kicker
April 18, 2018
5 min to read
Carrie examines some fun creatures with kicker for Dominaria Limited.
My Favorite Crappy Artifacts
April 11, 2018
5 min to read
Carrie reminisces about bad artifacts she’s played over the years in Limited, and looks at how to turn on historic in Dominaria.
Legendary Sorcery
April 4, 2018
5 min to read
Carrie examines the value of the legendary sorcery cycle in Dominaria limited.
A Quarter Century of Blue
March 21, 2018
5 min to read
Carrie explores the best archetype in Masters 25 draft: blue cards.
Masters 25 Sealed
March 14, 2018
5 min to read
Getting ready to play a Masters 25 Sealed tournament this weekend? Carrie breaks down some key commons and uncommons.
The Hammer With Masters
March 7, 2018
6 min to read
Carrie drafted Modern Masters 2017 last week to help prepare you to be disappointed as you crack boxes of Masters 25.
Masters 25 Limited Speculation
February 28, 2018
4 min to read
Carrie guesses at some cards that might fill out the Masters 25 Liited environment.
Adventures in Multiple-Choice Land
February 21, 2018
8 min to read
Carrie examines the design of the multiple-choice test that was Trial 2 of the Great Designer Search 3.