None Shall Pass Bombs
Efro Killed My Unicorn
October 10, 2013
20 min to read
Carrie reports from Grand Prix Oklahoma City, where she crossed paths with Conley Woods and Eric Froehlich.
The Green Monster
October 3, 2013
12 min to read
I have a pretty good guess what we’ll see a lot of on GP OKC day one as we battle nine rounds of sealed: a wall of green monsters.
Splash Mountain
September 19, 2013
14 min to read
This week I am going to talk about splashing extra colors of mana in a Limited deck, and specifically how awesome it is to do that in Return to Ravnica block draft.
Make Mine a Double
September 5, 2013
13 min to read
Welcome back! If you like sweet draft decks, then this Modern Masters one is for you.